Hero of Turkmenistan Saragt Babayev

On the eve of the 33rd anniversary of the country’s independence, during a meeting of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, the People’s Artist of the country, two-time laureate of Magtymguly State Prize, Honorary Elder of the people, teacher-mentor Saragt Babayev was conferred the title of Hero of Turkmenistan according to the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov. We invited Saragt Babayev for an interview.
“Saragt aga, it is a great honor for us to congratulate you on a truly remarkable event – the awarding of the title of Hero of Turkmenistan to you.”
“Thank you. I am glad that on the eve of a wonderful holiday – the 33rd anniversary of independence of the Motherland, many years of my work were highly appreciated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero-Arkadag and the esteemed President Arkadagly Serdar. I am immensely happy and have sincere feelings of gratitude for and pride in having become the holder of the title ‘Hero of Turkmenistan’. Inside, I feel that I have become even closer to my people and my country. With all my heart, I would like to express my gratitude to the National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero-Arkadag, Head of State Arkadagly Serdar and the entire Turkmen people for having been afforded such an honor.”
“This spring, to be more exact, on May 17, the sights of the white-marble Turkmen capital were replenished with the Magtymguly Pyragy Cultural and Park Complex spread out at the picturesque foothills of the Kopetdag Mountains. The majestic monument to Magtymguly Pyragy installed in the park is unique in its size in all of Central Asia. The fact that you undertook such a great task and worthily coped with it speaks of your dedication to your work and endless love of your profession.”
“Of course! There are many creators in history who left an indelible mark by creating just one masterpiece of art. The most important thing is to put your soul into your work. The monument, considered the largest monument in Central Asia, is among the top ten large-scale monuments in the world. When I started working on this sculpture, I had no idea that it would top such lists. All I knew was that I had to create a sculpture of the level and quality that was expected, and even better. Until I finished my work on this project, I had no other priorities or goals. It was the reverent and respectful attitude of our National Leader to the great poet Magtymguly Pyragy that gave me strength and inspiration. The Hero-Arkadag regularly inquired about the progress of the work, showed concern for the creation of favorable conditions and the provision of the necessary funds for the construction of the monument. Thus, having a reliable support in the person of the National Leader, my students and I showed persistence and efforts, applied all our knowledge and skills and coped with the task set.”
“Saragt aga, so it is true what they say, that trust is behind everything?”
“Any transformation, development, victory and success are the fruits of trust. Looking back on the path I have covered, now I realize how many trials there have been along the way. And I have only just begun to understand that these were trials. Trust is the force that helps overcome them. Faith in yourself and the trust of others. In order not to break this faith and to justify the trust, we continue to move forward. Not all undertakings in art are doomed to success, but it is important to understand that these failures and setbacks can lead to your subsequent successes.”
“Let’s take our conversation back to the origins of the path that led you to success.”
“My creative path includes different periods. I was born in 1948 in the Sarahs etrap of the Ahal velayat. Although I was born in Sarahs, we come from the Babadayhan etrap. My ancestors had settled in Sarahs before I was born because of the drought. And they named me in honor of Sarahs. After some time, our family returned to the Babadayhan etrap, where I studied at secondary school No. 2. During our school years, we did a lot of physical labor, picked cotton, grazed cattle, collected firewood, in general, did almost all the housework. Thus, from an early age, a love of work was instilled. After graduating from the Sculpture Department of the Turkmen State Specialized Art School under the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan, I continued my education at the Sculpture Faculty of V.I. Surikov Moscow State Academic Art Institute (MSAAI). Since then, I have been putting my talent, energy and creativity into art, trying to make my dream come true. After all the experience I have accumulated, I have definitely learned one thing – there are no small or insignificant works of art. When you create with love and inspiration, even a small work can give people joy and spiritual peace. And artists should always remember this.”
“This is my second visit to your studio. While admiring the incredibly beautiful figurines, I realized that your works devoted to your mother are especially eye-catching.”
My mother is a special world for me! As I was told, I was often ill as a child. Having lost more than one child, my mother treated me with tender, carried me everywhere in her arms. Perhaps that is why my soul feels warm when I remember my mother. The love and faith of mothers is a special miraculous force that helps to achieve heights along the path of life. I can realize this only now. As our National Leader Hero Arkadag notes, ‘Mother is greatness that gives birth to greatness.’ It happens that I get tired working in my workshop, and then looking at the sculpture that embodies the image of my mother, I feel relief, it seems that my fatigue had been disappeared immediately. When my mother came to visit me in the capital, she always first came to my workshop. I told her she should go home straight away. And she answered she did not have the patience to wait for me to come home from work. For mothers, no matter how old their child is, he or she remains the most precious, desired and priceless.”
“Any profession should be improved. People say, ‘Where there is a good father, there is a good son.’ Children are the continuers of the family, the bearers of its traditions, they are also the heirs of the work of their fathers and grandfathers. What can you say about this?”
“I am glad that my son Bally is interested in this profession. He is currently studying at the secondary school No. 72 in the capital. My son’s composition ‘Boy and Dolphin’ is installed in the yard of his school. His capabilities and outlook are already making themselves known. Art, in particular, requires a broad worldview and a rich outlook.”
“Today you are a mentor to many students. Having Saragt Babayev as a mentor is a special luck for young people involved in the world of sculpture.”
“They are also a great happiness for me. I lived, made and created so that my business would continue to live. After a person, his or her name remains. The duty of every person is to justify the trust people have shown and to be worthy of his or her name.”
“As a result of your hard work and unique creative path, your name has become famous far beyond the borders of our homeland. Today, for your noble work over many years, the recognition of your merits with such titles and awards as an artist, People’s Artist of Turkmenistan, laureate of Magtymguly International Prize and Honorary Elder of Turkmenistan has been supplemented by the high title of Hero of Turkmenistan. Once again, we wholeheartedly congratulate you on receiving this high award.”
“Thank you very much! I thank you for giving me the opportunity to express my gratitude and for expressing your desire to share this joy with me.”
“Thank you for the interview, we wish you new victories and achievements on your creative path!

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