The President of Turkmenistan allowed the State Concern «Turkmennebit» to purchase equipment for the modernization of the SOR
23.12.24 - 16:06On December 21, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system, the agenda of which included a number of issues of state life.

Young hockey players of the gas industry win a confident victory
17.12.24 - 22:12On the occasion of the International Day of Neutrality, from November 19 till December 5, 2014, the Sports School of the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Physical Culture and Sports held an open championship of the sports school in ice hockey among teenagers born in 2010–2014.

USAID YDA Project Conducts Training on Online Freelancing
17.12.24 - 14:45The USAID Youth Development Activity (YDA) successfully completed a training program that equipped participants with freelance skills for remote online work. The training program took place at the "Ynamly Kepil" coworking center from December 2 to December 7. It involved 24 young professionals who specialize in graphic design, programming, translation, speech correction, social media advertising, and other modern professions.

The results of the fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan for eleven months of 2024 have been summed up
09.12.24 - 23:19At the reporting meeting held on December 7 in the Central Building of the Oil and Gas Complex of Turkmenistan, the results of the industry's enterprises for eleven months of the year «The Fount of Mind of Magtymguly Pyragy» were summed up.

USAID YDA trained young people as IT professionals in Mary
05.12.24 - 20:44USAID Youth Development Activity (YDA) successfully completed the 2nd cycle of the TechYouth Bootcamp program in the City of Mary. The program was implemented in partnership with the Algorithm training center of the Akylly Hyzmat Economic Society from May to November 2024.

The decisions of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan were discussed at the agitation and propaganda meeting
03.11.24 - 21:10A propaganda meeting dedicated to the historic decisions made at the meeting of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, held in the year of the "The Fount of the Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy", was recently held in the Central Building of the Oil and Gas Complex of Turkmenistan.

USAID YDA Calls for Applications for Training on Freelancing
30.10.24 - 12:38The USAID Youth Development Activity YDA is now accepting applications for a training course on online freelancing.

Gas workers of Lebap region exceeded the plan for the production of "blue fuel" for nine months
18.10.24 - 23:37Specialists of the gas production department of the Lebap region of Turkmenistan "Lebapgazchykarysh" exceeded the plan for the nine months of 2024 for the production of natural gas. In January-September of this year, 43 million cubic meters more of "blue fuel" were produced than planned. The planned figure was 7.52 billion cubic meters of gas.

USAID YDA and the School of Entrepreneurs Enhance Entrepreneurship Education in Turkmenistan
13.10.24 - 12:48The USAID Youth Development Activity (YDA) and the School of Entrepreneurs of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan have partnered to further boost youth entrepreneurship in Turkmenistan.

The results of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan for nine months were summed up at the industry meeting
09.10.24 - 22:13On October 5, a reporting meeting was held in the Central Building of the Oil and Gas Complex of Turkmenistan, where the results of the industry's enterprises for the first nine months of the current year, held under the motto "The Fount of Mind of Makhtumkuli Fragi ", were discussed.

Representatives of the oil and gas university of Turkmenistan participate in the International Exhibition WETEX 2024 in Dubai
03.10.24 - 17:34Teachers and students of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakayev have been delegated as part of the Turkmen mission to participate in the International Exhibition «Water, Energy, Technology and Environment» (WETEX 2024), which is held from October 1 to 3 at the Dubai World Trade Exhibition Center, UAE.

Chess competitions were held among employees of the gas industry organization "Gyzylarbatetrapgas"
28.09.24 - 16:26As part of the festive events, a chess competition was held among the employees of the "Gyzylarbatetrapgas" gas facility organization of the "Balkangazupjunchilik" department on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of Turkmenistan's independence.

Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan intend to strengthen cooperation in the gas industry
12.09.24 - 18:49The State Concern «Turkmengas» and the Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan signed a Memorandum of Intent to Strengthen Cooperation in the Gas Industry.

Another well has been put into operation
11.09.24 - 14:34An industrial flow of natural gas was obtained from a well drilled by the team of the Lebapnebitgazgözleg Expedition of the Türkmengeologiýa State Corporation at Tachmuradov site.

Industrially significant gas flow obtained
10.09.24 - 12:18In the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, Turkmenistan continues to confidently follow the chosen creative strategy of economic development.