Doctor of Technology Irina Luryeva

The dynamically developing oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan, especially the development of the world’s largest gas field Galkynysh, requires the constant deployment of innovative solutions. Employees of this sector successfully solve the tasks set before them by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov.
An example of this is the activity of Doctor of Technology Irina Ilyinichna Luryeva, who heads the laboratory “Development of the Galkynysh gas field and international gas pipelines” of the Department of the Comprehensive Study of the Galkynysh Gas Field and the Development of Scientifically Sound Projects at the Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gas of the Turkmengaz State Concern.
Today, scientific research and developments of Irina Ilyinichna Luryeva contribute to increasing the efficiency of the production and transportation of natural gas. Her contribution to the development of the industry was recognized by a state award – the medal “For Love of the Motherland”, and the honorary title “Veteran of Labor”.
On the eve of the Day of Oil and Gas Industry and Geology Workers, widely celebrated in Turkmenistan, we invited Irina Ilyinichna Luryeva to our editorial office.
Irina Ilyinichna, how did you come to the oil and gas industry, what brought you to this difficult profession?
My choice of profession was conscious and largely dictated by my interest in technical sciences back in my school years. I was fond of chemistry, physics and mathematics. These subjects allowed me to better understand how the world around me works. In those years, I was a member of the chemical section of the Minor Academy of Sciences and also attended classes at the Station of Young Technicians.
After graduating from school with a gold medal, I got to know that the Turkmen Polytechnic Institute was recruiting for the specialty “Technology and complex mechanization of oil and gas field development”, which was in demand by the industry, and this news literally played a decisive role in determining my plans. I entered the Institute for this specialty with a firm intention to develop in this sphere. Already in my student years, it became clear to me that I had made the right choice, since the oil and gas industry is a complex, but incredibly interesting area that requires deep knowledge, perseverance and the ability to find non-standard solutions.
How did you take your first steps in the profession with which you connected your entire life?
In my last years at the Institute, I started working as a laboratory assistant at the department, where I participated in work on a scientific theme for the first time. At the department, I met outstanding scientists and teachers, such as Doctor of Technology, Associate Professor Aman Nepesovich Muradov, Associate Professors Mayagul Orazovna Gafurova and Berdy Niyazovich Nurmammedov, who not only had deep knowledge in this field, but also knew how to inspire with their example. Their experience and wisdom became an example for me for many years. It was then that I began to have ideas that later formed the basis of my first patents.
After graduating from the Institute with honors in 1988, I was honored to stay at the Institute as a teacher and devoted 18 years to teaching and training young specialists for the oil and gas industry. These years became an important stage for me: I not only passed on my knowledge to students, but also continued scientific research. They became a time of formation for me as both a teacher and a mentor, which I remain to this day. I am proud that many of my students later became successful professionals, wise leaders, and some of them continue to develop my scientific ideas today.
Irina Ilyinichna, what prompted you to take part in the competition for the position of senior research worker at the Oil and Gas Institute in 2006?
In 2006, I decided to apply my knowledge and experience in a more research-oriented sphere. The competition at the Oil and Gas Institute (currently the Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gas) of the Turkmengaz State Concern was an excellent opportunity for me to immerse myself in the fascinating world of developing gas and gas condensate fields in North-Eastern Turkmenistan. I was inspired by the prospect of working in a team of highly qualified specialists and contributing to the development of national science. Finding myself surrounded by talented colleagues and gaining invaluable experience, I was able not only to deepen my knowledge, but also to realize my potential in solving urgent problems of the industry.
So, in 2019 a new chapter in your life began.
Yes. In 2019, my life changed dramatically. I was entrusted with the work of scientific support for the development of one of the world’s largest gas fields, Galkynysh. This experience was not just a stage of professional growth for me, but also an opportunity to contribute to the development of the energy potential of our country.
This year marks 18 years since I started working at the Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gas of the Turkmengaz State Concern. In 1992, as a teacher and responsible executor of the scientific theme of the Department of Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields at the Turkmen Polytechnic Institute, I defended my candidate’s thesis, becoming at that time the youngest candidate of technology in Turkmenistan, and in 2022, already being an employee of the Research Institute, I became the only woman – a doctor of technology in my major. Thus, two important stages of my career formed two periods of equal duration, each of which became an integral part of my life.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my family, colleagues and mentors who have always supported me and inspired to new achievements.
Irina Ilyinichna, the Galkynysh field is attracting more and more attention on the global energy arena today. Could you tell us more about the current stage of the development of this giant gas field?
Indeed, Galkynysh is a strategically important resource not only for Turkmenistan, but also for the entire world. We see that interest in this project is constantly growing. Forecast calculations for the development of Galkynysh provide for seven stages of field development.
The uniqueness of the Galkynysh field lies in its huge gas resources, great depth, high content of acidic components and complex geological conditions. For its effective development, we use a whole range of innovative technologies, including deep well drilling, gas collection and treatment systems that meet the highest world standards. Particular attention is paid to environmental safety and the rational use of natural resources. Thanks to these technologies, we have managed to achieve high gas production rates and to ensure stable supplies to the world market.
What are the prospects of the further development of the Galkynysh field?
The Galkynysh field is at the stage of pilot production. In the coming years, we expect a significant increase in gas production due to the transition to the second, third and fourth stages of development. Currently, investment projects, aimed at implementing these stages, are being actively discussed.
One of the key areas of our work is the optimization of technological processes. We are studying the possibilities of using sulfur and carbon dioxide, which will not only increase the efficiency of production, but also minimize the negative impact on the environment.
The strategy of stage-by-stage development of the field allows flexibly managing investment flows and taking into account the accumulated experience when moving to new stages. In the future, it is planned to increase annual gas production to almost 200 billion cubic meters.
Irina Ilyinichna, your repeated speeches about the Darvaza gas crater have caused a wide public resonance in the media. How do you explain such a huge interest in this topic both in our country and abroad?
Indeed, the interest in the Darvaza gas crater is huge, since not everyone knows the nature of this phenomenon. In 1963, about two hundred and seventy kilometers from Ashgabat, a gas inflow spontaneously began from a shallow depth during the drilling of an exploratory well at the Chaljulba structure, and a void filled with gas was formed, into which the upper layers of soil collapsed. Then the crater was set on fire to avoid gas poisoning of people and animals.
Thus, a crater was formed on the territory of a natural gas field, which is a failure with a diameter of 60 m and a depth of about 20 m.
It was assumed that the gas would burn out within a few days or the productive layer would become flooded, as in other structures, but it continues to burn to this day.
The burning of the crater has a negative impact on the environment, in addition, natural gas, which can bring significant profits, is wasted. The management of the fuel and energy complex was instructed to involve scientists to solve this problem.
I am proud that the team of our Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gas contributed to the development and implementation of this important environmental project.
One of the main ideas is to control the filtration flow that feeds the flame. Forced gas extraction helps reduce uncontrolled gas emissions into the atmosphere. According to the project developed at our Institute, a new well was drilled near the burning crater. As one of the measures, one observation well was transferred to the operational fund, and two more liquidated exploratory wells, located close to the burning crater, are being prepared for de-mothballing.
As noted at OGT-2024, the effectiveness of that approach was confirmed by satellite images provided by the Capterio Company.
Please tell us about your students, whom you mentor.
I have always believed that the transfer of knowledge and experience is one of the most important tasks of any scientist. Over the years of my teaching and scientific activity, I have supervised the diploma projects of more than 100 students and postgraduates. I continue to participate in the work of the State Commission for the Defense of Diploma Projects at Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Oil and Gas University, and I am a member of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of Turkmenistan. Working with young, talented and goal-oriented people is both an inspiration and a great responsibility.
Under my supervision, four scientists have successfully defended their candidate theses, and several scientific papers were completed and submitted to the Academy of Sciences. Today, I have postgraduate students and a doctoral student who continue to actively work on their theses. I try to support them not only as a scientific supervisor, but also as a mentor who helps them find their own path in science.
Seeing my students achieve their goals, become professionals, develop new ideas and implement their projects is a great joy and pride. Many of them continue their careers in the oil and gas industry, contributing to its development, creating new technologies, and being actively engaged in scientific research. This gives my work additional meaning and confidence that the accumulated knowledge and experience will serve the benefit of science and society for many years to come.
Irina Ilyinichna, thank you very much for the interview. I congratulate you on your professional holiday – the Day of Oil and Gas Industry and Geology Workers. On behalf of our editorial board and all readers, I wish you every success in your activity aimed at developing the domestic oil and gas industry under the wise leadership of the President of the country and the National Leader of the Turkmen people. May your work bring joy and satisfaction, and may all your endeavors be successful.
Thank you for your good wishes. Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my deep appreciation and sincere gratitude to the National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero-Arkadag and the President of Turkmenistan Arkadagly Hero Serdar for their tireless attention and support aimed at developing the oil and gas complex of our country. Their wise leadership, far-sighted decisions and concern for the strategic sectors of the national economy inspire us to new achievements and allow us to successfully implement projects that are of great importance for the prosperity of the Motherland.
Ussa Ussayev,
Editor-in-Chief of the Nebit-gaz Newspaper

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