
Employees of the Lebapgazüpjünçilik Directorate uninterruptedly provide the population of the velayat with natural gas

Thanks to the large-scale activities of the Hero-Arkadag and the President of Turkmenistan, our independent neutral Motherland has turned into a country of prosperity and wellbeing. In this regard, the ongoing work on the gasification of populated areas deserves special mention. The activity of gas workers is widespread in the Lebap velayat, where the number of households using natural gas is growing with every passing year.

“Within the framework of the National Rural Program, initiated by the Hero-Arkadag and successfully continued by the head of state, 18.4 million manats of state capital investments have been spent in our velayat. This is 2.4 times more than the annual plan. As a result, about 40 kilometers of gas pipelines of various pressure were laid,” Agajan Seyidov, head of the capital construction department of the Lebapgazüpjünçilik Directorate, says.

As in other regions of the country, the construction of residential buildings continues on a large scale in the eastern velayat. As a result, new residential complexes are appearing in villages and cities, where, due to significant government investments, gas pipelines are also being laid to create favorable living conditions. For this purpose, a gas pipeline with a total length of 4.5 kilometers was built in Turkmenabat last year. The length of the constructed gas pipeline on the territory of the Akgal gengeshlik in the Sayat etrap was more than 2.2 kilometers. As a result, more than 1 thousand 600 new households in the velayat began to use “blue fuel”. Currently, the number of households using natural gas in the region has reached 213 thousand. The Directorate’s specialists work hard to provide “blue fuel” in an uninterrupted manner.

Along with such urgent work, activities for the gasification of populated areas successfully continue, which serve as a vivid reflection of the feeling of pride that fills the hearts of Turkmen citizens and the principle of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov “The Motherland is the Motherland only with the people! The state is a state only with the people!” inspiring for new achievements.

“We have set specific goals and are confidently moving forward to new heights that will complement the achievements of the year ‘Ocean of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy.’ We are faced with a large set of important tasks, according to which it is planned to use more than 8 million manats of public investment this year. At this expense, 38.5 kilometers of new gas pipelines are to be laid. This important work will cover the villages and towns of our velayat. We will continue to make efforts to honorably fulfill the tasks set before us by our head of state, Arkadagly Serdar,” Agajan Seyidov confidently states.

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