
The construction of a production facility at the Kelleli field continues

The Şerepli, Kelleli and Ýylan fields, located on the territory of the Mary velayat, are promising underground deposits, within the framework of the development of which, based on the plan of the Türkmengaz State Concern, a modern powerful facility for the primary purification of natural gas is being built at the Kelleli field.

The construction of the new facility, commissioned by the Marygazçykaryş Directorate, is being carried out by gas builders of Specialized Directorate No. 2 of the Türkmenýöritenebitgazgurnama CIT. There, in the near future, natural gas produced from the Şerepli, Kelleli and Ýylan gas fields will be subject to primary processing and will be transported towards the Garagum–Üçajy–Malaý high-pressure gas pipeline.

Currently, gas builders are carrying out construction and installation work at a high pace in accordance with the technological requirements provided for in the project. To date, through the efforts of the builders of sections No. 1 and 2, under the leadership of experienced specialists Gurbandurdy Haydarov and Babajan Hommatjanov, the construction of gas pipelines with a diameter of 159 and 219 millimetres and the installation work of separators, auxiliary installations, a set of assembly lines and equipment for the first connection point have been completed.

The uninterrupted provision of the customer with the necessary equipment for construction and gas and water pipes of the required diameter determines the high-quality and timely execution of work by the builders.

The construction and installation work of external engineering systems of the primary natural gas purification facility – these are electrical lines, a five-kilometer fourth-class road, a powerful water treatment facility, a water supply line with a length of more than seven thousand meters, was completed in accordance with the requirements and in time according to the project.

The construction of auxiliary service facilities such as a fire station, a transformer substation, an operator’s post and a first-aid post has also been fully completed.

The next stages of construction of the facility are the installation of communication and video surveillance systems.

“The builders of the Türkmengündogarnebitgurluşyk trust of CID No. 3 of the Türkmenýöritenebitgazgurnama Specialized Installation Trust are performing construction and installation work according to the project as a subcontractor,” Begench Hanov, a first-level specialist of the gas field development and foundation construction department of the Marygazçykaryş Directorate, says.

Among the participants in the construction of the gas treatment facility, it is necessary to list the names of such advanced workers as Toyly Agayev, gas and electric welders Mustapa Mamedov, Shatlyk Chariyev and Mekan Dangatarov, a fittings worker Ahmet Durdiyev and others.

It should be noted that the main feature of natural gas extracted from the Şerepli, Kelleli and Ýylan fields is the absence of hydrogen sulfide impurities in its composition.

“Blue fuel” will be purified from liquid using separators and auxiliary equipment. The finished products will be sent through a pipeline with a diameter of 325 millimeters to the Garagum–Üçajy–Malaý gas pipeline.

According to experts, with the commissioning of the new facility, the export of commercial natural gas produced from the Şerepli, Kelleli and Ýylan gas fields to the foreign market will increase. It will also create about 80 new jobs, mainly for young people.

Sapardurdy YAYLIYEV,

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