History of the development of the gas industry of Turkmenistan

The path of development
The largest single-product gas condensate field in Central Asia, Shatlyk (Eastern and Western), was put into operation in 1973.
In order to increase the gas production capacity of production wells in the field, the development project provided for drilling with a bit with a diameter of 216 mm and installing tubing with a diameter of 127 mm to change the design of the wells and to replace the traditional production strings with a diameter of 148 or 168 mm at that time with strings with a diameter of 177 mm. Since the design presented in the project was metal-intensive, especially since pipes of such a large diameter were not yet produced in the USSR at that time, this design solution was not applied. In search of a positive solution to the problem, for experimental purposes at the single-product gas condensate field Tejen, the first well, 5,000 m deep, was drilled with a bit 216 mm in diameter to install a flow string with a diameter of 177 mm, which was replaced with a flow string 168 mm in diameter. Then, pumping and compressor pipes with a diameter of 114 mm were lowered into the well. Thus, theoretically and experimentally, it was proven that installing a flow string with a diameter of 177 mm instead of a string with a diameter of 168 mm without changing the diameter of the bit, used when drilling the well, did not affect the gas recovery of the well. The design of the experimental well at the Tejen field was successfully adopted when drilling all production wells at the Shatlyk field.
In addition, for the first time in the former USSR, complex gas treatment units (CGTUs) began to be partially erected at the Shatlyk gas condensate field. Each of them consisted of 5 technological lines, to which 5-6 production wells were connected. The lines were equipped with a separator – heat exchange equipment, so each line produced 1.0 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually, with a total of 5.0 billion cubic meters of natural gas sent to consumers from each of the gas treatment plants. Using this partial method, 8 gas treatment plants were built at the Shatlyk gas condensate field, and their total annual gas production capacity was increased to 40.0 billion cubic meters. For the material and technical benefits from the comprehensive development of gas fields, the most distinguished Turkmen gas workers were awarded the USSR State Prize in the field of science and technology.
For services in the discovery of the unique Shatlyk gas field and the execution of effective exploration and accelerated preparatory work for the development of deposits in the Karakum sands in 1974, a group of oil and gas scientists and geologists represented by B. Atdayev, M. Ashyrmammedov, V. V. Denisevich, V.Yu. Sokolov, I.V. Vasilyev, G.N. Kalmykov, B.V. Semenovich, D.N. Milshtein and G.N. Amursky were awarded the title of laureate of the USSR State Prize.
In 1975, a large group of workers, engineering staff and employees, who distinguished themselves during the construction and operation of the first stage of the Shatlyk gas condensate field and the Shatlyk–Khiva gas pipeline were awarded orders and medals of the USSR.
Gas extracted from production gas and gas condensate wells undergoes deep processing before being delivered to consumers through pipelines. The gas, obtained after preliminary preparation and purification from mechanical impurities and moisture, is supplied to consumers, and the heavy parts of hydrocarbon gases in the form of liquid raw materials (gas condensate) are sent to oil refineries. Natural gas supplied to consumers is produced using the latest technologies. At the initial stage of the exploitation of gas fields, the gas is cleaned and dried applying a low-temperature separation method and using natural gas pressure. At the second stage, when the gas’s own pressure is not enough to apply a cooling method, natural gas is purified from liquids (moisture and gas condensate) using artificial cooling devices. Now let’s look at the table showing the annual increase in gas production in the country from 1966 (the year of the establishment of the Türkmengazsenagat Production Association) till 1976 (calculated in millions of cubic meters): 1966 – 51; 1967 – 926; 1968 – 3,536; 1969 – 6,426; 1970 – 11,234; 1971 – 15,833; 1972 – 22,712; 1973 – 27,139; 1974 – 37,169; 1975 – 46,856; 1976 – 55,507 (Note: Figures are cited from the information given in the annual statistics for that period).
As a result of the introduction of accelerated production methods, gas workers achieved a 109-fold increase in gas production. The progress achieved in a short period of time, that is, in just ten years, is the achievement of the Türkmengazsenagat Production Association, the establishment of which had a solid foundation. Thus, Turkmenistan became famous throughout the world not only for oil, carpets and Ahalteke horses, but also for the fact that the country is the second largest gas producer in the former USSR after the RSFSR and has rich gas and condensate fields.
Oraznazar HESHDEKOV,

Oil and gas industry is the engine of progress in Turkmenistan
Cooperation in the gas industry is one of the priority areas on the agenda of international meetings of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

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Under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, Turkmenistan is taking the forefront in solving the global challenges of our time, actively promoting large-scale initiatives and, most importantly, proposing ways to solve them.

Turkmenistan’s gas industry: from the past to the present
The Ojak gas field was the cause for the formation in 1966 of the center of Turkmen gas workers – the town of Gazojak near the village of Shiharyk.

Gas industry of Turkmenistan: from past to present
The gas industry, being one of the largest sectors of the country’s national economy, plays an important role in ensuring the prosperous life of the Turkmen people and achieving the prosperity of our Motherland.