The Ministry of Energy, Turkmengaz and GIZ signed a memorandum of understanding
14.05.24 - 23:58

The Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan, the State Concern "Turkmengas" and the German International Cooperation Corporation (GIZ) signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of combating climate change, Orient reported on May 14.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan discussed cooperation priorities with the EU Special Representative for Central Asia
14.05.24 - 23:50

On May 13, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan hosted a meeting between Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov and the Special Representative of the European Union for Central Asia, Teri Hakala, the foreign ministry of our country reports.

Representatives of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan discussed the promotion of the TAPI project
11.05.24 - 14:54

In Kabul, a meeting took place between the Turkmen delegation and the acting Minister of Mining Industry and Petroleum of Afghanistan, Shahabuddin Delawar.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War were presented with gifts on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan
09.05.24 - 23:10

In Turkmenistan, in honor of the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945, veterans in all velayats of the country and the city of Ashgabat were solemnly presented with monetary and valuable gifts with wishes of good health and good spirits.

The head of Turkmenistan took part in the opening of the Yashlyk water treatment plant
08.05.24 - 19:44

Today, May 8, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the commissioning ceremony of the Yashlyk water treatment plant with a capacity of 30 thousand cubic meters of water per day, located in the Ak Bugday etrap of Ahal region, TDH reports.

With the participation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the second stage of the Baherden cement plant was put into operation
08.05.24 - 19:38

Today, May 8, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the commissioning ceremony of the second stage of the Baharden cement plant with a capacity of 1 million tons of cement per year, TDH reports.

The President of Turkmenistan: The country's GDP growth rate for January-April was 6.3%
07.05.24 - 10:13

In January-April this year, the GDP growth rate of Turkmenistan was 6.3%. This was said by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at a government meeting, which took place on April 3 on the digital system.

Students of the Academy of Civil Service at the President of Turkmenistan will study experience in public administration in China
07.05.24 - 09:40

Students of the Academy of Civil Service at the President of Turkmenistan will take part in a short-term course on public administration at Peking University of the People's Republic of China, reports the MIC of Turkmenistan.

New gas stations were put into operation on a section of the high-speed highway
04.05.24 - 00:53

In the Mary etrap of the Mary region, at the 309.7th kilometer of the Tejen-Mary section of the Ashgabat-Turkmenabat high-speed highway, two new gas stations were put into operation. They were built by order of the Vekilbazar oil products enterprise of the main directorate "Turkmennebitonumleri" of the State Concern "Turkmennebit".

State Concern "Turkmengas" will introduce a system for data collection and management of production facilities
04.05.24 - 00:25

The State Concern "Turkmengas" announced pre-qualification selection of an international tender for the turnkey construction of an information collection system and centralized operational dispatch management of the concern's production facilities. The announcement was published in the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper.

Drillers of the Nebitgazburawlaýyş Trust discover the riches of the underground deposit of the Nogay field
02.05.24 - 17:14

The large-scale work, carried out monthly by the prospective drilling teams of the Körpeje Drilling Operations Directorate of the Nebitgazburawlaýyş Trust of the Türkmennebit State Concern, increases the labor successes of citizens of Turkmenistan being achieved in 2024, which is being held under the motto “Fount of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy”.

Sports competitions took place among workers of the oil and gas complex
02.05.24 - 00:05

Over the past week, sports competitions were held among workers of the oil and gas complex under the motto “Health and Happiness,” organized by the Council of the Trade Union of Oil and Gas Complex Workers of Turkmenistan.

Promotional and explanatory meeting was held at the Natural Gas Research Institute of the State Concern «Turkmengas»
01.05.24 - 19:21

A promotional and explanatory meeting was held at the Research Institute of Natural Gas of the State Concern «Turkmengas». The event was organized by the Halk Maslahaty, the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, the National Center of Trade Unions of Turkmenistan, the Central Council of the Women's Union of Turkmenistan and the Council of Trade Unions of Oil and Gas Workers of the country.

Companies in the oil and gas sector of Turkmenistan held a conference dedicated to World Occupational Safety and Health Day
01.05.24 - 00:44

The Dragon Oil company, with the support of the State Concern Türkmennebit, organized a conference on occupational health, safety and environmental safety management, dedicated to World Occupational Safety and Health Day, celebrated in our country on April 28. The newspaper “Neutral Turkmenistan” reports this.

The TAPI project, the Galkynysh field and other vectors of development of the fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan are the focus of TEIF 2024
26.04.24 - 13:17

Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Batyr Amanov spoke about the progress in the implementation of the project for the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) transnational gas pipeline at the plenary session of the International Forum on attracting foreign investment in the energy sector of Turkmenistan, which opened on Wednesday in Paris.