
Representatives of Turkmenistan and Japan discussed the possibilities of implementing projects in the fuel and energy complex and other industries

The possibilities for implementing new projects in the oil and gas, chemical and agricultural industries were discussed via videoconference by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, Chairman of the Turkmen-Japanese Committee on Economic Cooperation Rashid Meredov and Chairman of the Japanese-Turkmen Committee on Economic Cooperation Hiroyuki Tsubai, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan reports.

During the meeting, the parties discussed issues of further development of bilateral relations, noted the high level of cooperation between Turkmenistan and Japan, in particular in the trade and economic sphere, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs notes.

The parties stated that an important mechanism of interaction is the active work of existing committees on economic cooperation.

During the meeting, the parties noted that contacts at the highest and highest levels play an important role in the development of interstate relations. In this regard, the importance of the visit of the Turkmen delegation led by the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Japan in September 2022 was especially highlighted.

Also within the framework of the negotiations, attention was focused on the further development of cooperation in the field of energy, the gas chemical industry, issues of carbon neutrality, and the reduction of methane emissions.

The interlocutors also discussed preparations for the upcoming “Central Asia + Japan” summit, planned in Astana in August this year.

At the end of the meeting, the parties exchanged views on organizational issues of the upcoming 15th meeting of the Turkmen-Japanese and Japanese-Turkmen Committees on Economic Cooperation.

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