
The law on energy saving and increasing energy efficiency was adopted

The Law “On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency” came into force in Turkmenistan. The document signed by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov was published by the central media of our country.

The law establishes the legal, economic and organizational framework for stimulating energy conservation and increasing energy efficiency in the country.

The document defines basic concepts such as energy audit, energy passport, consumption standards for fuel and energy resources and others. The document specifies the rights and obligations of consumers of fuel and energy resources.

The law introduces mandatory energy inspections of facilities and buildings and determines the procedure for conducting energy audits. Measures are provided to stimulate energy saving, including preferential loans, tax preferences and tariff policy.

The new law establishes the principles of legal regulation in the field of energy saving, including the scientific, technical and economic feasibility of energy-saving measures, the priority of introducing energy-efficient equipment, technologies and materials.

In accordance with the law, short-term energy saving and energy efficiency programs are developed for a period of one year, long-term – for a period of five years.

The law defines the competencies of government bodies in the field of energy conservation and monitoring compliance with requirements.

Particular attention is paid to international cooperation and information support in the field of increasing energy efficiency.

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