
Scientific and methodological conference at the Maya Kulieva Turkmen national conservatory

At the Maya Kulieva Turkmen national conservatory, a scientific and methodological conference of graduate students, doctoral students and applicants “The Role of Musical Art in the Development of Society” was held, organized by the postgraduate department of the conservatory together with the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan. The conference was attended by employees of scientific departments, teachers, graduate students of the Turkmen National Conservatory, as well as representatives of the Academy of Sciences.

The topics of the speeches were varied. After the opening speech by the rector of the conservatory, candidate of art history R. Amangeldiyev, a report was made by the head of the postgraduate department of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, candidate of philological sciences G. Annanepesova, dedicated to the semantic analysis of words used in the ancient Turkmen epic “Gerogly” and associated with the art of music. The problem of a comprehensive, integrated, in-depth study of Turkmen folk music of the oral tradition was addressed by the senior lecturer of the Department of Music Theory of TNK, candidate of art history Z. Dzhumaguliyeva. Lively interest was caused by the information about the Turkmen bakhshis of the twentieth century, Gurt Yakubov (G. Saryev, senior lecturer at the department of “Bagshi Art” of TNK) and Sakhy Jepbarov (A. Mammetgulyev, senior researcher at the musical and ethnographic laboratory of TNK), as well as the speech, aroused keen interest musical-theoretical focus “Peculiarities of the structure of the works of melodist composers” by conservatory graduate student L. Hudaiberdyeva. The reports of graduate students of the Magtymguly Institute of Language, Literature and Manuscripts of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, young philologists A. Nepesova and L. Seyytkulyeva, devoted to issues of linguistics and literary criticism, were listened to with great attention.

Conferences on various topics, held jointly by scientists of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan and the Turkmen national conservatory, have already become traditional. Every year the circle of participants in them expands. Events of this kind create a unique opportunity to look at certain scientific problems through the eyes of scientists of different specialties, to give a multifaceted comparative and typological assessment of any phenomena that have aroused the interest of representatives of science.

Amangozel ESENOVA,

chief specialist of the postgraduate department at the Maya Kulieva Turkmen national conservatory.

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