
Interview with a participant of the TEIF International Forum 2024

The International Forum to attract foreign investment in the energy sector of Turkmenistan (TEIF 2024) is taking place in Paris. Edward Bryan, head of the economic department of the US Embassy in Turkmenistan, shared his impressions of the forum.

- Edward Bryan, is this not the first time you have participated in the International Forum to attract foreign investment in the energy sector of Turkmenistan?

- Yes. I had the opportunity to participate in similar forums before, in particular, those held both in Turkmenistan and in London and Dubai. So I'm not new to this event.

- Then you have the opportunity to compare and evaluate the work of the current forum, what are your impressions?

- I can express my impressions in one word - it’s a holiday! I congratulate the forum organizers for the high level of holding this important event. I would like to especially note the very high level of the speakers.

- What issues discussed at this forum, in your opinion, are especially relevant?

- Of course, all the issues on the agenda of the international industry meeting are important and relevant. Evidence of this is the large number of forum participants, including not only international companies interested in entering the promising energy market of Turkmenistan, but also representatives of large international organizations and structures.

I would especially highlight the panel discussion “Reducing methane and carbon dioxide emissions from hydrocarbon production,” which brought together the world’s best experts on this issue. This fact shows how relevant these issues are and how responsible the government of Turkmenistan is in addressing them. This is especially significant in the context of the statement by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov on Turkmenistan joining the Global Methane Reduction Commitment.

- How, in your opinion, is the Paris forum different?

- In my opinion, the choice to hold the forum in Paris is a sign that Turkmenistan is showing great interest in cooperation with a variety of countries. After all, Paris is a very convenient place for participants from different countries, including American companies. The Paris Forum provided an excellent opportunity for our companies to meet potential Turkmen partners and hold productive meetings with government officials.

I am confident that our interaction on the sidelines of the Paris forum will lead to increased participation of American companies in the development of the energy sector of Turkmenistan.

- As you rightly noted, the Forum has significantly expanded the number of participants, and more and more authoritative international structures are taking part in it. What caused this interest?

- The platform of a specialized international forum aimed at attracting foreign direct investment in the oil and gas, energy, transport and communications sectors of the economy of Turkmenistan is the best opportunity for American and other international companies to assess the opportunities and development potential of these areas of Turkmenistan, to learn about the priority areas of activity of the State Concerns «Turkmengas» and «Turkmennebit» to increase the production of energy resources. All this stimulates the development of cooperation with Turkmenistan.

- Your wishes to the Forum organizers.

- So that each new forum gains momentum, is better, more effective, more useful. The organizers did a great job, taking into account all the necessary points for productive work of delegates, meetings, and relaxation. This is wonderful, but I feel a little sad, since this year my work in Turkmenistan ends and I may not have the opportunity to again become a participant in such a large-scale and promising industry event.

- Thank you, Mr. Brian. It remains to wish you, even after completing your mission in Turkmenistan, to continue working to expand cooperation between our countries in various directions and, above all, in energy.

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