

During the years of independence, the work of writers, poets, journalists, and other cultural and artistic figures is imbued with a sense of patriotism, inspiration, pride in the modern successes and achievements of our fatherland in the Epoch of the Revival of a new era of powerful state.

It should be noted that there are many creatively gifted individuals among representatives of industries not related to culture and art. They often publish their works on the pages of newspapers and magazines, and appear on television and radio channels. Among such talents are those who collaborate with the Nebit-Gaz newspaper. One of them is the head of the department of administrative affairs of the Ministry of Textile Industry of Turkmenistan, Rakhman Dovletov.

The themes of this poet’s work are rich and multifaceted; in his works, readers are attracted by the accessibility and artistry of the language, topical themes. The theme of love for an independent homeland, native people, the head of state - Arkadagly Serdar and Hero-Arkadag runs like a red thread through the entire work of Rakhman Dovletov.

And recently a new book by R. Dovletov, published by the State Publishing Service of Turkmenistan, was published. It consists of four parts and is permeated with the spirit of patriotism and national values, which also increases the educational value of the author’s works.

Finding your way in creativity, searching for a style, pattern, principle that is unique to you is the pursuit of perfection. Almost all of the poet’s poems call on people to be kind, respect each other, love every inch, every corner of their native land with all their soul and heart. The poet managed to convey his instructions in a unique way.

We wish R. Dovletov further creative success, new and bright ideas and achievements for the benefit of the prosperity of our fatherland and the spiritual and moral improvement of his readership.

We present to our readers several works of the author, published in the poet’s new book.

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