
Sports competitions took place among workers of the oil and gas complex

Over the past week, sports competitions were held among workers of the oil and gas complex under the motto “Health and Happiness,” organized by the Council of the Trade Union of Oil and Gas Complex Workers of Turkmenistan.

In competitions held in the sports complexes of the oil and gas housing office, teams consisting of employees of the administrative center and structural divisions of the State Concerns “Turkmengas”, “Turkmennebit”, State Corporation “Turkmengeology”, tested their strength and physical abilities in sports such as table tennis, tennis, checkers, duzzum, rope pulling, darts, etc.

Sports events organized within the framework of the “Health and Happiness” month initiated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people – the Hero of Arkadag and launched in accordance with the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan, carried out in order to implement the “Program for the support and development of physical education and sports in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025”, gave a new impetus for the sports and health movement in the country.

Various events organized within the framework of the month are of great importance in the formation of a healthy generation in the era of the Renaissance of a new era of a powerful state, in introducing workers of the oil and gas complex to mass sports, in regularly improving the skills of athletes, as well as in strengthening the unity and cohesion of labor collectives, thereby becoming another clear evidence that modern Turkmenistan is asserting itself in the world not only as a dynamically developing economically powerful state, but also as a country of health and happiness.

Based on the results of the past competitions, dozens of young people working in the structures of the State Concerns “Turkmengas”, “Turkmennebit” and the State Corporation “Turkmengeology” distinguished themselves with a high level of sports training. The winners of the competition were awarded by the organizers with certificates of honor and valuable gifts.

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