
Students of the Academy of Civil Service at the President of Turkmenistan will study experience in public administration in China

Students of the Academy of Civil Service at the President of Turkmenistan will take part in a short-term course on public administration at Peking University of the People's Republic of China, reports the MIC of Turkmenistan.

The seminar will be held within the framework of the “East Scholarship” project, funded by the Peking University Education Foundation. Along with representatives from 56 countries, Turkmen listeners will visit government departments and private enterprises.

Upon completion of the course on June 6, participants will be awarded certificates from Peking University.

The East Scholarship project was launched in 2019 with the aim of becoming familiar with the peculiarities of administration in China. The audience of the project is young leaders from around the world, representatives of government departments, political parties, think tanks and academia.

The Academy of Civil Service at the President of Turkmenistan was created by presidential decree in September 2008 to strengthen the professional knowledge and practical skills of civil servants.

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