
With the participation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the second stage of the Baherden cement plant was put into operation

Today, May 8, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the commissioning ceremony of the second stage of the Baharden cement plant with a capacity of 1 million tons of cement per year, TDH reports.

In March of this year, with the participation of the head of state, the opening of the second stage of a cement plant in Lebap velayat with a capacity of 1 million tons of cement per year took place. And today, in the Baherden etrap of Ahal velayat, the next launch of a new powerful production took place, whose high-quality products are expected at numerous construction sites in Turkmenistan.

The Baherden cement plant, commissioned in February 2005, is one of the largest such enterprises in the Central Asian region. The flagship of the domestic construction industry is a whole complex at the foot of the majestic Kopetdag mountains with huge industrial installations and production buildings. All these years, the most popular grades of cement have been produced here, which ensures the high pace of construction ongoing in Turkmenistan.

The second stage of the industrial giant was built in accordance with the Decree of the Head of State by the individual enterprise “Beyik-Bina”. The largest German engineering company KHD Humboldt Wedag was also involved in the work, which supplies equipment and provides services, including process design and project management for the global cement industry.

The new plant is equipped with advanced equipment from the world's leading manufacturers, which will allow the production of high-quality cement of the popular brands PTs-400, PTs-500, PTs-600 and sulfate-resistant Portland cement, which is more resistant to external natural and aggressive chemical factors.

As at other similar facilities in our country, at the Baherden plant special attention was paid to environmentally friendly production and compliance with all necessary standards, since environmental protection is one of the essential conditions for the construction of large industrial facilities in Turkmenistan.

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