
Representatives of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan discussed the promotion of the TAPI project

In Kabul, a meeting took place between the Turkmen delegation and the acting Minister of Mining Industry and Petroleum of Afghanistan, Shahabuddin Delawar.

Muhammetmyrat Amanov, the CEO of TAPI Pipeline Company Limited, and Hoja Ovezov, the Ambassador of Turkmenistan in Kabul, discussed in detail with the head of the department the promotion of the TAPI gas pipeline construction project and various issues related to its implementation, as reported by the Ministry of Mining Industry and Petroleum of Afghanistan.

The acting minister, welcoming the Turkmen delegation, described Turkmenistan as a valuable neighbor and a fraternal nation. He emphasized that strengthening political, economic ties and security cooperation with countries in the region, including Turkmenistan, is a priority of Afghanistan's foreign policy.

Delawar highlighted the strategic importance of expanding bilateral relations, noting that the TAPI project is crucial not only for Kabul but also beneficial for the three other participating countries, and that there are no obstacles to its implementation in Afghanistan.

The CEO of TAPI Pipeline Company Limited, in a conversation with the ministry's leadership, focused on the recent progress of the project, particularly highlighting its practical and technical aspects and outlining the next steps, as reported by the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Afghanistan.

The negotiations also led to an agreement to accelerate the pace of work: the parties agreed to create special working groups for effective coordination of all aspects of the project.

It was also recognized that the successful implementation of the TAPI project would demonstrate to the global community the real possibilities for investment and creating new jobs in Afghanistan.

Delawar expressed gratitude for the ongoing support from the leadership of Turkmenistan for the TAPI project and confirmed the urgent need for its swift implementation, assuring full support from his side.

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