
Of the State Concern " Turkmengas," a scientific and practical conference titled "Makhtumkuli Fragi – Poet of the Human Soul"

At the Natural Gas Research Institute of the State Concern " Turkmengas," a scientific and practical conference titled "Makhtumkuli Fragi – Poet of the Human Soul" took place. The forum was organized by the Institute in collaboration with its primary trade union organization, and representatives from all structures of the oil and gas industry participated.

During the meeting, presentations focused on the role and significance of the great philosopher's contributions to the treasury of universal human values, and the poet's scientific perspectives that transcend all times and peoples. The speakers emphasized that Makhtumkuli Fragi is a figure of planetary scale, and his inspired works serve today, as centuries ago, as a consolidating force, affirming the immutability of true universal human values. In the poet’s rich and multifaceted creations, timeless universal values—such as love for the homeland, humanism, peace, and calls for creation, friendship, and brotherhood—found vivid expression. These points were highlighted in the speeches by Rahmetnur Aymamedov, the Deputy Director of the Institute for Geological Work, and Murad Bayramgulyjov, the chairman of the primary trade union organization of the institute.

Additionally, during the meeting, engineers from the Natural Gas Research Institute, Derya Baynepesov, Gunchi Gurbanberdyeva, and researcher Akgul Annakhanova, spoke about comprehensive diagnostic tests of oil and gas equipment. They shared their scientific views on the analyses of methane emissions from the "Marygazchykarysh" management and the fields under the State Concern "Turkmengas"—Kelleli, Sherepli, Yylan, and others.

The question and answer session, featuring advice and remarks from mentors on the research conducted by young specialists, facilitated a smooth transition of the event into a discussion. During this discussion, participants had the opportunity to compare different viewpoints with the aim of properly resolving the discussed issues.

At the end of the forum, organizers presented gifts to participants who distinguished themselves with effective activities.

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