
The Ambassador of Turkmenistan takes part in a meeting in Brussels on the Trans-Caspian Corridor

A round table meeting was held in Brussels on the possibilities of the EU Global Gateway initiative and the use of the potential of the Trans-Caspian transport corridor.

The event was attended by leaders of the European Commission, including the EU Directorate General for Transport, the European External Action Service and other EU institutions. The heads of diplomatic missions of Türkiye, Azerbaijan, Romania, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan and heads of various research organizations in the field of transport and logistics companies were also present.

The meeting participants discussed the EU Global Gateway initiative and the importance of the Middle Corridor for the sustainable development of transport links between Europe and Asia. As it was noted, that corridor could significantly contribute to the sustainability and growth of trade in the region, especially in conditions of instability of other routes, the Embassy of Turkmenistan to Belgium reports.

The Trans-Caspian corridor is seen not only as an intercontinental link between China and Europe, but also as a means to support regional trade and to move supply chains among the EU, Türkiye, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

The meeting participants noted that the new composition of the European Commission and the European Parliament would play an important role in the further laying and development of the sustainable Trans-Caspian corridor. New investments in hydrogen and solar and wind power are boosting trade and shifting supply chains. The creation of a coordination mechanism for transport projects in Central Asia should improve interaction between the business communities of the EU and Central Asia.

The Ambassador of Turkmenistan confirmed our country’s commitment to the development of the Trans-Caspian transport corridor to strengthen ties between Europe and Asia. He noted the strategic importance of Turkmenistan and its role in this process due to its geographical position and significant investments in its transport infrastructure.

It was noted that since 2015, Turkmenistan had invested more than $15 billion in the construction of roads, railways, airports and a seaport. In 2018, the seaport of Turkmenbashi, in the construction of which $1.5 billion were invested and which has the capacity to handle 25 million tons of various cargo through modern terminals, began to operate.

Turkmenistan is actively working with European partners to attract investments and to introduce best practices in port management. More than 5 thousand kilometers of railways have been modernized, which ensures reliable transport links within the country and between regions.

The second phase of the construction of the Ashgabat–Turkmenabat expressway, about 600 km long, has recently been completed, which will significantly speed up the transit of goods and improve regional transport links.

The Ambassador also noted that Turkmenistan actively participated in international initiatives and forums aimed at developing transport corridors.

At the investor forum in Brussels, Turkmenistan presented its projects and attracted significant attention from international investors and logistics companies. Turkmenistan plans to further develop its transport infrastructure, including the construction of new railways and highways and to actively participate in the Global Gateway initiative.

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