
An innovative technology has been introduced at the Gurrukbil field to increase the productivity of gas wells

Scientists from the Natural Gas Research Institute of the Türkmengaz State Concern and specialists from the Technology Center of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan have successfully introduced into production an innovative technology that increases the productivity of depleted gas wells.

In accordance with the agreement signed with the Döwletabatgazçykaryş Directorate of the Türkmengaz State Concern, some research and experimental work was carried out to introduce modern innovative technologies increasing the productivity of low-yield and depleted wells in the Gurrukbil gas condensate field.

Having studied the production characteristics of the Gurrukbil field and analyzed the results of hydrodynamic and geophysical studies of depleted wells, scientists and specialists developed scientific and technical solutions and carried out pilot work to introduce the technology of complex hydrogen thermobarochemical treatment of the gas-bearing formation in well No. 45.

Data from preliminary gas-hydrodynamic tests showed that natural gas production from the well increased, compared to the previous volume. A positive result was also obtained at completely depleted gas well No. 46, where the stage-by-stage massive hydrogen thermobarochemical treatment of the formation was used.

In experts’ opinion, the use of the integrated technology of hydrogen thermobarochemical stimulation of the formation increases its permeability and the production of oil, gas and condensate, which makes it possible to more efficiently use available resources and to reduce capital investments in the construction of production facilities.

Currently, scientists continue to monitor the productivity of experimental wells in the Gurrukbil gas condensate field. At the same time, with each measurement, an increase in well production is recorded. In the future, the successful experience of introducing innovative technology is planned to be used to increase the productivity of other wells in the field.

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