
Georgia attaches great importance to cooperation with Turkmenistan in the field of energy transit, - Ambassador

The priority direction of Turkmen-Georgian cooperation is the joint implementation of large regional and interregional transport and energy projects. The Ambassador of Georgia in Ashgabat, Konstantin Sabiashvili, wrote about this in an article published in the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of Georgia's independence.

Georgia attaches great importance to cooperation in the field of transit of goods, including energy, through its territory, and creates the most favorable conditions for this, the diplomat noted.

Turkmenistan has been and remains a reliable and trustworthy partner in the energy sector, and we hope that existing relations will develop in new directions. The Georgian side supports and expresses its readiness to provide active assistance to new projects for transporting Turkmen gas through Georgian territory to Turkey and further westward through the Southern Gas Corridor pipelines, including “green” energy, Ambassador Konstantin Sabiashvili claimed.

Gruziýa energiýa serişdelerini üstaşyr geçirmek ulgamynda Türkmenistan bilen hyzmatdaşlyga uly ähmiýet berýär - ilçi

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