
Participants of the Turkmen-Saudi intergovernmental commission outlined promising projects

The implementation of previously reached agreements and decisions on a number of promising projects were discussed during the 7th meeting of the intergovernmental Turkmen-Saudi commission on trade and economic cooperation, held in Riyadh.

The delegations of the two countries were headed by the co-chairs of the commission – Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Batyr Amanov and Minister of Investment of Saudi Arabia Khalid Al-Falih.

The Turkmen delegation also included State Minister – Chairman of the State Concern “Turkmengas” Maksat Babayev, Chairman of the State Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs Rahimberdy Jepbarov, Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy Babaniyaz Yalakov, heads and representatives of other government agencies.

During the meeting, the implementation of the agreements reached and decisions on a number of promising projects that will strengthen trade exchanges and investments between the two countries, cooperation to ensure the sustainability of supply chains, transport connections, transit routes, and energy security were discussed.

The parties also voiced proposals aimed at increasing the volume of export and import products.

Following the meeting, the protocol of the 7th meeting of the intergovernmental Turkmen-Saudi commission on trade and economic cooperation was signed.

The previous, 6th meeting of the intergovernmental commission took place in 2018 in the capital of Turkmenistan.

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