
Checkers competitions

Thirteenth game

White starts and wins

For the correct solution of a combination with a move – 5 points

The decision of the twelfth game, published in newspaper No. 28:

1. H6-g7 f8xh6 2. F4-e5 f6xd4 3. H4-g5 h6xf4 4. D2-c3 b4xd2

5. e1xg3 h2xf4 6. C1-d2 a3xe3 7. F2xf6

Checkers combinations were prepared by the teacher of the Balkanabat branch of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev, winner of the World Intellectual Games, member of the National Chess Center of Turkmenistan Maksat DURDIYEV.

You can send the solution to checkers combinations within 10 days from the date of their publication in the newspaper to the email address:

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Checkers Competition

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