
KIOGE 2024: Oil and gas industry prospects

The largest industry event – the 29th International Conference and Exhibition «Oil and Gas» - KIOGE 2024 will be held from September 25 to 27, 2024 in Almaty, reports

The best innovative solutions and a wide range of oil and gas industry products will be presented by more than 200 companies from 15 countries. Participants from Canada, Germany, China, Russia, and Turkey will present national stands. By tradition, large oil and gas producing companies, oil and gas exploration and production companies, oil service companies, manufacturers of oil and gas equipment, personal and industrial protective equipment, automation and instrumentation will present their stands.

On September 25-26, during the KIOGE Conference, speakers and delegates will share their experience, discuss the implementation of new industry projects and prospects for international partnerships. Every year, the organizers of the event improve the conditions for participation and stay, striving to make the Conference even more productive. That is why the organizers chose a new venue. The KIOGE 2024 conference will be held in the tallest building in the city – The Ritz-Carlton hotel, whose conference rooms meet all the latest technical requirements, allowing speakers to fully present their cases and reports. The city center has all the necessary infrastructure, which is important for the participants and delegates of the Conference.

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