
Checkers Competition

Final Game

White starts and wins

5 points for the correct solution of the combination with the move

Solution of the fourteenth game was published in the newspaper No. 32:

• H2-g1 c5-d4 2. B8-e5 d4xf6 3. G1xh8 b4-c3 4. C1xe3 a3-b2

5. e3-d4 c3xe5 6. H8xa1

• H2-g1 d2-e1 2. G1xb6 a3-b2 3. C1xd6 e1-c3 4. B6-d4 c3xc7 5. B8xe5

Checkers combinations were prepared by a teacher of the Balkanabat branch of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakayev, winner World Intellectual Games, member of the National Chess Center of Turkmenistan Maksat DURDYEV.

You may send the solution of checkers combinations within 10 days from the date of their publication in the newspaper to the email address:

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