
Steps for further development of the Galkynyş deposit were considered at a government meeting

On September 6, the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov conducted via a digital system a regular sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers, at which a number of issues of state life were considered.

During the sitting, the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Batyr Amanov reported on measures for the logistical support of drilling operations at gas wells of the Galkynyş field of the Türkmengaz State Concern.

It was reported that steps were being taken to gradually develop that field. To ensure uninterrupted operation at the first stage of the development of the Galkynyş field, it is planned to additionally drill several wells. In this regard, it is necessary to purchase specialized equipment.

A corresponding proposal was submitted for consideration by the Head of Turkmenistan.

After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that with the accelerated development of oil and gas fields and the drilling of new wells, there was a need to supply that complex with modern equipment. Upon approving the proposal to provide the Galkynyş field with the means used in drilling, the head of state instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to carry out the relevant work in this direction.

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