
Industrially significant gas flow obtained

In the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, Turkmenistan continues to confidently follow the chosen creative strategy of economic development. Gas workers of the Türkmengaz State Concern make a huge contribution to the successful implementation of the tasks set by the head of state to increase the volume of extracted hydrocarbon resources, marking with labor successes every month of the year “Fount of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy”.

On the eve of the celebration of the 33rd anniversary of the independence of our Motherland, drillers of the Türkmengazburawlaýyş Directorate of the Concern received an industrially significant influx of natural gas from the 54th production gas well of the Çartak gas field, located in the eastern region of the country – the Lebap velayat.

Drillers of the Directorate completed work on drilling wells to a depth of 2 thousand 450 meters thanks to the support, provided by the state, and rich professional experience in drilling wells. The industrial flow of natural gas from this production well was obtained as a result of blasting operations carried out in layers with a depth of 2,362 to 2,350 meters. According to experts, the flow rate of the production well is 224 thousand 300 cubic meters of natural gas a day.

The main advantage of the “blue fuel” of this gas field is that the composition of the natural gas produced from the well does not contain hydrogen sulfide. This conditions the compliance of the quality of natural gas with international standards. Of course, according to experts, the economic benefit from the products of this well will be high.

Experienced gas workers of the drilling team under the leadership of Nury Hommatjayev performed drilling operations efficiently and in a short time, in accordance with technological requirements. The achieved success was made by a field geologist of the Directorate Abdyrahim Atanepesov, drillers Arazmet Yusubov and Rejepbay Kerimov, assistant drillers Bahram Kakyshov and Bahram Ergeshov and an assistant driller of the well testing group Orazgeldy Chariyev.

Today, gas workers of the Türkmengazburawlaýyş Directorate are conducting drilling operations at an accelerated pace on the 110th, 253rd, 260th, 265th and 283rd wells of the Galkynyş gas field.

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