
Another well has been put into operation

An industrial flow of natural gas was obtained from a well drilled by the team of the Lebapnebitgazgözleg Expedition of the Türkmengeologiýa State Corporation at Tachmuradov site. This will be a worthy gift from the united team of the Expedition for the forthcoming large-scale holiday – the 33rd anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence.

“Based on the results of preliminary studies conducted in previous years, it was calculated that this site, located near the Malaý gas field within the Charjev etrap, has large resources of natural gas. The work of drilling an exploratory well there was entrusted to members of the teams led by experienced drilling masters Ishanguly Mammetguliyev and Dovlet Babaguliyev. By now, they have drilled a depth of 2,500 meters and reached the productive layer. The productivity of the new well is 389 thousand cubic meters of sulfur-free natural gas a day. In the future, drilling of exploratory wells at this site will be continued,” the head of the geological department of the Expedition Batyr Akmuradov says with confidence.

The gas workers have made great efforts to achieve positive results. Among those who have particularly distinguished themselves are experienced drillers Anvar Chariyev and Merdan Hemrayev, assistant drillers Ilyas Bekiyev and Seyitmyrat Mamedov, a machinist Chary Allakov and a fitter Suvhanberdy Tanryberdiyev, who are an example for their colleagues. As a result, the work is progressing and success is being achieved.

The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov outlined the important tasks of the advanced development of the oil and gas industry, which plays an important role in the country’s economy, replenishing hydrocarbon resources and increasing their production. Accordingly, specific targeted activities are being carried out at the local level. At the beginning of this year, a plan for 2024 was adopted for drilling exploratory, operational and appraisal wells in sweet gas deposits.

Currently, drilling operations are also underway at the Çartak, Koläka, Tebigy, Northern Koseşor and Hazarly sites in accordance with the above-mentioned plan. It is gratifying to see that the work done jointly brings effective results. An example of this is the industrial flow of natural gas obtained at the Çartak field from an operational and appraisal well with a design depth of 2,450 meters. By the end of the significant year, the amount of news about obtaining an industrial flow of natural gas from newly drilled wells will increase. Crews led by experienced drilling masters Ishanguly Mammetguliyev and Dovlet Babaguliyev have begun drilling operations in another well at Tachmuradov site.

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